EFT Tapping - Dealing with Challenging People

Dealing with Challenging People

Whether it’s the workplace, a neighbor, someone sitting near you on a plane – sometimes people just seem to bother us. It would be great if we could be enlightened enough for that stuff to not get to us, but, hey, we’re human and sometimes people just DO bug us!

I’ve got a few approaches about how to deal with this I thought I’d share with you.

1. The Be Happy Elsewhere approach

This isn’t exactly the most, um, spiritually advanced approach, but sometimes you just need to do what you need to do! I’ve tried this quite a few times over the years, so it’s pretty much a tried-and-true technique that is surprisingly effective.

The results that I’ve had over the years included people moving their office away from mine, neighbours just up and moving, unhappy managers/bosses leaving their jobs or retiring early, and a few other unusual circumstances. Sometimes it happens even faster than you’d possibly think.

Here’s what you do. Think about that person and do your best to bring up a neutral feeling about them and set a very loud and clear intention that they simply

go and be happy somewhere else, far away from me.

You can do this a few times over the course of a few days and then let it go. It’s important to actually wish them well. This isn’t too hard to do if you imagine them being happy and well somewhere FAR AWAY FROM YOU, if you know what I’m sayin’.

Be sure to release (by tapping or some other means) any charge around this, as well as resistance to having them near you now. This technique works beautifully in tandem with the next one.

2. Use EFT Tapping to clear what’s bothering you

When you feel triggered or bothered by someone around you, it can be quite helpful to clear the emotions that you’re having about it first using EFT Tapping.

At the very least, the situation may not bother you as much (or at all), and if you really go deep with the clearing, you may also find that this type of person or behavior will simply not trigger or bother you in the future ever again.

If you don’t know how to do EFT Tapping, check out the free mini-course.

If you know how to tap, then try tapping on the following specific parts and pieces:

What exactly bothers you about this person?
Why does it bother you?
How do you feel around them?
Who do they remind you of?
Is there a specific situation or circumstance that really bothers you with respect to them?

After you do some tapping on the person, then I recommend tapping on yourself for any of the qualities or behaviors that you noticed about the other person that bothered you. In other words, is there something in you that they are mirroring? Or perhaps it’s like a fun-house mirror version of something within you? In any case, tap on your own ‘stuff’ around this until you feel very clear about it all.

If you have any questions about how to do this, feel free to email us or comment on Facebook on our page or in the The EFT Tapping Resource Facebook Group.

3. Recognizing the true inside-out nature of what’s happening

Finally, there’s another way to look at the situation. I’ll be diving into a lot more of this in upcoming articles, but as a little taster, I’m going to ask you to consider that it may only appear to be the person who is bothering you.

What if what’s really happening is that you are having bothersome thoughts about that person, and it’s only these thoughts that are really causing the problem. That it may not have anything to do with the actual person.

I’ll leave this last approach at that for you to chew on.

I recommend trying all three approaches and then see if you can let go of being attached to the outcome (at least for the time being). Give it a little time and let me know what magic happens.

I’d love to hear your stories about it!

with love,
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