I have a free video to share that will help you feel calm and clear – in 13 minutes or less.
But first: do you recognize your signs of overwhelm?
I heard from a friend last week who said she’d been feeling overwhelmed by everything that’s been happening in her life and the world.
She had noticed herself:
- Starting things and not finishing them
- Having a long list of things to do but feeling unable to get to them (even when they were things she WANTED to do!)
- Feeling unfocused in some areas of life
I’m sure my friend is not alone in this!
Have you noticed any of the following signs of overwhelm creeping into your life?
You’re having trouble sleeping.
You and your partner have become the Bickersons.
You can’t keep up with your to-do list – things are falling through the cracks.
You’re snappy with your kids or colleagues.
You feel exhausted.
You’re overly defensive.
You’re constantly seeking distractions.
You’re eating chocolate bars like they’re going out of style.
You feel like you could cry at the drop of a hat.
If so, I have created a tapping video to help you get back to a space of emotional calm, clarity and feeling more grounded.
I invite you to use it any time you notice that you’re entering that overwhelmed state.
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